根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
Yoichi Single Malt NAS Whisky 70cl
Yoichi 10 years old Single Malt 70cl
The Nikka Tailored NAS Whisky 700ml
Suntory Yamazaki Distiller's Reserve Whisky 70cl
Suntory Malt Yamazaki 25yrs 70cl
Suntory Malt Yamazaki 18yrs 70cl
Suntory Malt Yamazaki 12yrs 70cl
Suntory Kakubin Blended Whisky 70cl
Suntory Hibiki Harmony Whisky 70cl without gift box
Suntory Hibiki 30yrs 70cl
Suntory Hibiki 21yrs 70cl
Suntory Hibiki 17yrs 70cl
Nikka Taketsuru Slim Pure Malt 70cl
Nikka From The Barrel 50cl without box
Nikka Day NAS Whisky 70cl
Nikka Coffey Grain NAS Whisky 700ml
Miyagikyo Single Malt NAS Whisky 700ml
Hakushu Distiller's Reserve Single Malt Whisky 70cl
Hakushu 12 years old single malt whisky 70cl
Hakusha 18 years old single malt whisky 70cl